The DEEP found healthy populations of trout and smallmouth during electrofishing surveys of the Housatonic and Farmington Rivers (DEEP Photo)

Trout stamp on hold for now

Proposed regulations that would require purchase of a trout stamp are on hold at least into February.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection posted on the Connecticut Fish and Wildlife Facebook page that the regulations had been sent back so some concerns raised by the Legislative Regulation Review Committee could be addressed.

That means continue fishing with a 2018 license until further notice, without the purchase of a stamp.

According to the Facebook post:

“Our regulations package was on the docket at yesterday’s Legislative Regulation Review Committee (LRRC) meeting (January 23). Three of the actions the LRRC can take are, approve, reject without prejudice, and reject with prejudice.

“The LRRC voted to “reject without prejudice” the regulations package, which means that there were some issues that were deemed to be “substantive concerns” that need to be addressed.

“None of the concerns raised affect the content of the regulations, except as to whether there can be a single stamp (for both trout and salmon as DEEP proposed) or two separate stamps (one for trout/kokanee and one for Atlantic Salmon).

“We are currently working on addressing those concerns to the committee’s (and their LCO reviewer) satisfaction so that the package can be resubmitted for approval at the next LRRC meeting (February 27). Stay tuned.

“So for now you can purchase your fishing license as you normally would and fish for trout as you normally would.”

Included in the proposed regulations package is extension of the Mill River Wild Trout Management Area.

Updates will be posted as they become available.

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